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Peter Graham: Subversive Etudes Jinakosti for piano

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239,00 kr


Zum Geleit
Hledej tony! / Suche die Töne! / Find the Tones!
Pocítání na prstech / Mit den Fingern Zählen / Finger Counting
Detsky karneval / Kinderfasching / Children’s Carnival
Tretí maly smutek / Der dritte kleine Kummer / The Third Small Sorrow
Mateník / Matenik
Carlos hraje / Carlos spielt / Carlos Plays
Zvonky / Glöckchen / Little Bells
Divocina / Wildnis / Wilderness
Maly vynálezce / Der kleine Erfinder / The Little Inventor
U Janácku / Bei den Janáceks / At the Janáceks
Uspávanka pro maleho Clauda / Schlaflied für den kleinen Claude / Lullaby for Little Claude
Mezi prsty / Zwischen den Fingern / Between the Fingers
Erikovo ranní cvicení / Eriks Morgenübungen / Erik’s Morning Exercise
Poprve v opere / Zum ersten Mal in der Oper / First Time at the Opera
Cesta ze skoly / Der Schulweg nach Hause / On the Way Home from School
Hudba k filmu / Filmmusik / Music from a Film
Balkánsky tanec / Tanz vom Balkan / Balkan Dance
Zlobivy Igor / Der schlimme Igor / Naughty Igor
Tvrdohlavá Polka / Sture Polke / Stubborn Polly
Sekat latinu / Latein pauken / Cutting It Latin
Stredoveká slavnost levorukych / Mittelalterliches Fest der Linkshänder / Medieval Feast of Left-Handers
Pravásama / Rechtsallein / Justright
Africke hry 1 / Afrikanische Spiele 1 / African Games 1
Africke hry 2 / Afrikanische Spiele 2 / African Games 2
Prstolamy / Fingerbrecher / Finger Twisters
Tri rádky / Drei Zeilen / Three Lines
Na lovu v Madarsku / Auf der Jagd in Ungarn / Hunting in Hungary
Zvony v Heidelbergu / Heidelberger Glocken / The Bells of Heidelberg
Metodické poznámky
Methodical Notes
Methodische Anmerkungen

1 i lager (kan restnoteras)


For open-minded teachers and inquisitive kids

Language(s) of text
Czech, English, German

These piano miniatures are a distinctive and unusual addition to the teaching literature – genre paintings in contrasting styles with musical wit and inventive sounds and rhythms. They offer glimpses into the musical cultures of different countries (“Hunting in Hungary, Gamelan, Balkan Dance, African Games”) and music history (“Medieval Feast for the Left-Handers”).
Besides training finger technique, the pieces help students to think in terms of counterpoint and to develop an expressive delivery.

Peter Graham (actually Jaroslav Štastný, b. 1952) teaches composition at the Janácek Academy of Arts in Brno.

• Miniature recital pieces for piano with amusing illustrations by Andrea Tachezy
• A welcome addition to the piano teaching literature
• Simple and entertaining genre paintings
• Easy to moderate level of difficulty

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Vikt0,30 kg


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